3  Confirmatory Factor Analysis


You can download the R code used in this lab by right-clicking this link and selecting “Save Link As…” in the drop-down menu: confirmatoryfactoranalysis.R

3.1 Loading R Packages

Remember, you only need to install a package once. But if you want to use the functionality of a package, you will need to “load” the package into your environment. To do that for lavaan (and the semTools and psych packages, which we’ll also use in this lab), we use the library() function:


3.2 Loading data into our environment

Typically, you will load your own data into your environment, like we did in the Correlations lab. However, you can also use datasets that are included with R packages. To access those datasets, you can use the data() function:


If you look at your environment tab, you should see a new data frame called HolzingerSwineford1939. We can take a look at the variables this dataframe using the describe() function that is part of the psych package:

        vars   n   mean     sd median trimmed    mad   min    max  range  skew
id         1 301 176.55 105.94 163.00  176.78 140.85  1.00 351.00 350.00 -0.01
sex        2 301   1.51   0.50   2.00    1.52   0.00  1.00   2.00   1.00 -0.06
ageyr      3 301  13.00   1.05  13.00   12.89   1.48 11.00  16.00   5.00  0.69
agemo      4 301   5.38   3.45   5.00    5.32   4.45  0.00  11.00  11.00  0.09
school*    5 301   1.52   0.50   2.00    1.52   0.00  1.00   2.00   1.00 -0.07
grade      6 300   7.48   0.50   7.00    7.47   0.00  7.00   8.00   1.00  0.09
x1         7 301   4.94   1.17   5.00    4.96   1.24  0.67   8.50   7.83 -0.25
x2         8 301   6.09   1.18   6.00    6.02   1.11  2.25   9.25   7.00  0.47
x3         9 301   2.25   1.13   2.12    2.20   1.30  0.25   4.50   4.25  0.38
x4        10 301   3.06   1.16   3.00    3.02   0.99  0.00   6.33   6.33  0.27
x5        11 301   4.34   1.29   4.50    4.40   1.48  1.00   7.00   6.00 -0.35
x6        12 301   2.19   1.10   2.00    2.09   1.06  0.14   6.14   6.00  0.86
x7        13 301   4.19   1.09   4.09    4.16   1.10  1.30   7.43   6.13  0.25
x8        14 301   5.53   1.01   5.50    5.49   0.96  3.05  10.00   6.95  0.53
x9        15 301   5.37   1.01   5.42    5.37   0.99  2.78   9.25   6.47  0.20
        kurtosis   se
id         -1.36 6.11
sex        -2.00 0.03
ageyr       0.20 0.06
agemo      -1.22 0.20
school*    -2.00 0.03
grade      -2.00 0.03
x1          0.31 0.07
x2          0.33 0.07
x3         -0.91 0.07
x4          0.08 0.07
x5         -0.55 0.07
x6          0.82 0.06
x7         -0.31 0.06
x8          1.17 0.06
x9          0.29 0.06

You can also learn more about these built-in datasets by going to its help page:


3.3 CFA Step 1: Model Specification

To specify a model in lavaan, we have to write it out in lavaan syntax and assign it to an object (here called HSmodel). Basic syntax for a CFA follows this template:

factorname =~ indicator1 + indicator2 + indicator3

In our model, we have three factors (visual, textual, and speed) that each load onto three items (e.g., for visual: x1, x2, and x3). You don’t have to specify that factors are hypothesized to be correlated, lavaan does this automatically (scroll down for an example of a CFA in which we specify that the factors should not be correlated).

#CFA model specification
HSmodel <- "visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
            textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
            speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9"

3.4 CFA Step 2: Model Estimation

Next, we need to estimate the model, using our data. In our lecture, we went over the four phases of estimation, but in R, model estimation simplifies to using the cfa() function with our model syntax and data arguments:

fit1 <- cfa(model = HSmodel, 
            data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

3.5 CFA Step 3: Interpreting Model Fit and Parameter Estimates

There are several ways of extracting the model fit and parameter estimates from our fitted lavaan model (called fit1). The most typical way to look at this output is by using the summary() function. Within this function, we can ask for some extra output (fit measures, standardized estimate, R-squares):

        fit.measures = TRUE, 
        standardized = TRUE, 
        rsquare = TRUE)
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 35 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        21

  Number of observations                           301

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                85.306
  Degrees of freedom                                24
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                               918.852
  Degrees of freedom                                36
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.931
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.896

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -3737.745
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -3695.092
  Akaike (AIC)                                7517.490
  Bayesian (BIC)                              7595.339
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       7528.739

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.092
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.071
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.114
  P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.001
  P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.840

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.065

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  visual =~                                                             
    x1                1.000                               0.900    0.772
    x2                0.554    0.100    5.554    0.000    0.498    0.424
    x3                0.729    0.109    6.685    0.000    0.656    0.581
  textual =~                                                            
    x4                1.000                               0.990    0.852
    x5                1.113    0.065   17.014    0.000    1.102    0.855
    x6                0.926    0.055   16.703    0.000    0.917    0.838
  speed =~                                                              
    x7                1.000                               0.619    0.570
    x8                1.180    0.165    7.152    0.000    0.731    0.723
    x9                1.082    0.151    7.155    0.000    0.670    0.665

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  visual ~~                                                             
    textual           0.408    0.074    5.552    0.000    0.459    0.459
    speed             0.262    0.056    4.660    0.000    0.471    0.471
  textual ~~                                                            
    speed             0.173    0.049    3.518    0.000    0.283    0.283

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
   .x1                0.549    0.114    4.833    0.000    0.549    0.404
   .x2                1.134    0.102   11.146    0.000    1.134    0.821
   .x3                0.844    0.091    9.317    0.000    0.844    0.662
   .x4                0.371    0.048    7.779    0.000    0.371    0.275
   .x5                0.446    0.058    7.642    0.000    0.446    0.269
   .x6                0.356    0.043    8.277    0.000    0.356    0.298
   .x7                0.799    0.081    9.823    0.000    0.799    0.676
   .x8                0.488    0.074    6.573    0.000    0.488    0.477
   .x9                0.566    0.071    8.003    0.000    0.566    0.558
    visual            0.809    0.145    5.564    0.000    1.000    1.000
    textual           0.979    0.112    8.737    0.000    1.000    1.000
    speed             0.384    0.086    4.451    0.000    1.000    1.000

    x1                0.596
    x2                0.179
    x3                0.338
    x4                0.725
    x5                0.731
    x6                0.702
    x7                0.324
    x8                0.523
    x9                0.442

Model Fit

The output above is great, but it can be a lot. To look at just the fit indices, you can also use fitMeasures(). This function will return a ton of fit indices if you do not include the fit.measures argument. Here, we select the main indices that we’re interested in:

            fit.measures = c("chisq", "df", "pvalue",
                             "cfi", "rmsea", "rmsea.ci.lower", 
                             "rmsea.ci.upper", "srmr"))
         chisq             df         pvalue            cfi          rmsea 
        85.306         24.000          0.000          0.931          0.092 
rmsea.ci.lower rmsea.ci.upper           srmr 
         0.071          0.114          0.065 

We can include output = "text" to make the output look a little bit nicer (more like the summary output above):

            fit.measures = c("chisq", "df", "pvalue",
                             "cfi", "rmsea", "rmsea.ci.lower", 
                             "rmsea.ci.upper", "srmr"),
            output = "text")

Model Test User Model:

  Test statistic                                85.306
  Degrees of freedom                                24
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.931

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.092
  Confidence interval - lower                    0.071
  Confidence interval - upper                    0.114

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.065

Based on all fit indices, the fit of this CFA is poor. First, the Chi-square statistic is significant, indicating poor fit. Sometimes, with larger sample sizes, a significant Chi-square simply means that there are a lot of small, trivial misspecifications. However, if we look at the CFI, TLI, RMSEA, and SRMR values and compare them to their suggested cutoff values (.95, .95, .06, .08), they also indicate that the model fits the data poorly.

Parameter Estimates

There is also a function we can use to extract just the standardized estimates, standardizedSolution(). Within this function, we can specify that some of the output (z-statistics and p-values) are left out. Typically, significance of parameter estimates is evaluated using the unstandardized solution (which we saw above with the summary() function), so we should not focus on significance of the standardized estimates. Again, we can include output = "text" to get output that is easier to read:

                     zstat = FALSE, pvalue = FALSE,
                     output = "text")

Latent Variables:
                    est.std  Std.Err ci.lower ci.upper
  visual =~                                           
    x1                0.772    0.055    0.664    0.880
    x2                0.424    0.060    0.307    0.540
    x3                0.581    0.055    0.473    0.689
  textual =~                                          
    x4                0.852    0.023    0.807    0.896
    x5                0.855    0.022    0.811    0.899
    x6                0.838    0.023    0.792    0.884
  speed =~                                            
    x7                0.570    0.053    0.465    0.674
    x8                0.723    0.051    0.624    0.822
    x9                0.665    0.051    0.565    0.765

                    est.std  Std.Err ci.lower ci.upper
  visual ~~                                           
    textual           0.459    0.064    0.334    0.584
    speed             0.471    0.073    0.328    0.613
  textual ~~                                          
    speed             0.283    0.069    0.148    0.418

                    est.std  Std.Err ci.lower ci.upper
   .x1                0.404    0.085    0.238    0.571
   .x2                0.821    0.051    0.722    0.920
   .x3                0.662    0.064    0.537    0.788
   .x4                0.275    0.038    0.200    0.350
   .x5                0.269    0.038    0.194    0.344
   .x6                0.298    0.039    0.221    0.374
   .x7                0.676    0.061    0.557    0.794
   .x8                0.477    0.073    0.334    0.620
   .x9                0.558    0.068    0.425    0.691
    visual            1.000             1.000    1.000
    textual           1.000             1.000    1.000
    speed             1.000             1.000    1.000

3.6 CFA Step 4: Making Model Adjustments

Our model did not fit our data very well, so we may want to make some adjustments to our model. Remember, there are always ways to make a model fit better (adding parameters), but if they are not informed and justified by theory then we end up with a model that will only fit our data (like the outfits made specifically for Taylor Swift during her Eras tour) and will not generalize to new samples (which is bad!).

We can use a function to help us identify the parameters that, when added, will result in the largest improvements in model fit (in terms of a reduction in the model Chi-square statistic), the modindices() function (which stands for modification indices). In the code below, we ask that only parameters with relatively large modification indices (10 or above) are returned, and we ask that the output is sorted from largest improvement to smallest improvement.

modindices(fit1, minimum.value = 10, sort = TRUE)
      lhs op rhs     mi    epc sepc.lv sepc.all sepc.nox
30 visual =~  x9 36.411  0.577   0.519    0.515    0.515
76     x7 ~~  x8 34.145  0.536   0.536    0.859    0.859
28 visual =~  x7 18.631 -0.422  -0.380   -0.349   -0.349
78     x8 ~~  x9 14.946 -0.423  -0.423   -0.805   -0.805

Model Re-Specification

We can use the information from the modification indices to re-specify our model. The largest index is for adding a factor loading that goes from the visual factor to x9 (mi = 36.41), which is “Speeded discrimination straight and curved capitals”. From the description of x9, we can see that this test does involve visual ability as well, so I feel that we can justify this modification. This means that the item x9 now loads onto two factors. The second loading is also called a cross loading. By adding this cross loading, we’re making the interpretation of the visual and speed factors more complex.

HSmodel2 <- "visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x9
             textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
             speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9"

Model Estimation

Again, model estimation is straightforward:

fit2 <- cfa(model = HSmodel2, 
            data = HolzingerSwineford1939)

Model Fit and Parameter Interpretation

We can look at the model fit and parameter estimates of this new model.

        fit.measures = TRUE, 
        standardized = TRUE, 
        rsquare = TRUE)
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 34 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                        22

  Number of observations                           301

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                52.382
  Degrees of freedom                                23
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                               918.852
  Degrees of freedom                                36
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.967
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.948

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)              -3721.283
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)      -3695.092
  Akaike (AIC)                                7486.566
  Bayesian (BIC)                              7568.123
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (SABIC)       7498.351

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.065
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.042
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.089
  P-value H_0: RMSEA <= 0.050                    0.133
  P-value H_0: RMSEA >= 0.080                    0.158

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.045

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

Latent Variables:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  visual =~                                                             
    x1                1.000                               0.885    0.759
    x2                0.578    0.098    5.918    0.000    0.511    0.435
    x3                0.754    0.103    7.291    0.000    0.667    0.590
    x9                0.437    0.081    5.367    0.000    0.387    0.384
  textual =~                                                            
    x4                1.000                               0.989    0.851
    x5                1.115    0.066   17.016    0.000    1.103    0.856
    x6                0.926    0.056   16.685    0.000    0.916    0.838
  speed =~                                                              
    x7                1.000                               0.666    0.612
    x8                1.207    0.185    6.540    0.000    0.804    0.795
    x9                0.675    0.112    6.037    0.000    0.450    0.447

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  visual ~~                                                             
    textual           0.396    0.072    5.506    0.000    0.453    0.453
    speed             0.177    0.055    3.239    0.001    0.301    0.301
  textual ~~                                                            
    speed             0.136    0.051    2.675    0.007    0.206    0.206

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
   .x1                0.576    0.100    5.731    0.000    0.576    0.424
   .x2                1.120    0.100   11.153    0.000    1.120    0.811
   .x3                0.830    0.087    9.515    0.000    0.830    0.651
   .x9                0.558    0.060    9.336    0.000    0.558    0.550
   .x4                0.373    0.048    7.800    0.000    0.373    0.276
   .x5                0.444    0.058    7.602    0.000    0.444    0.267
   .x6                0.357    0.043    8.285    0.000    0.357    0.298
   .x7                0.740    0.086    8.595    0.000    0.740    0.625
   .x8                0.375    0.094    3.973    0.000    0.375    0.367
    visual            0.783    0.134    5.842    0.000    1.000    1.000
    textual           0.978    0.112    8.728    0.000    1.000    1.000
    speed             0.444    0.097    4.567    0.000    1.000    1.000

    x1                0.576
    x2                0.189
    x3                0.349
    x9                0.450
    x4                0.724
    x5                0.733
    x6                0.702
    x7                0.375
    x8                0.633

But how do we know if this model is better (in terms of fitting our data) than the original CFA?

3.7 Comparing Multiple Models to Each Other

To compare the fit of the two models, we can use the compareFit() function:

comp_fit1_fit2 <- compareFit(fit1, fit2)
################### Nested Model Comparison #########################

Chi-Squared Difference Test

     Df    AIC    BIC  Chisq Chisq diff   RMSEA Df diff Pr(>Chisq)    
fit2 23 7486.6 7568.1 52.382                                          
fit1 24 7517.5 7595.3 85.305     32.923 0.32567       1  9.586e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

####################### Model Fit Indices ###########################
       chisq df pvalue rmsea   cfi   tli  srmr       aic       bic
fit2 52.382† 23   .000 .065† .967† .948† .045† 7486.566† 7568.123†
fit1 85.306  24   .000 .092  .931  .896  .065  7517.490  7595.339 

################## Differences in Fit Indices #######################
            df rmsea    cfi    tli srmr    aic    bic
fit1 - fit2  1 0.027 -0.036 -0.052 0.02 30.923 27.216

The output of this function includes a comparison of fit based on the model Chi-square: the Chi-square difference test. If this test is significant, then it means that the model with fewer estimated parameters (here fit1) fits the data significantly worse than the model with more estimated parameters (here fit2), so we should select the model with more parameters (fit2). If this test is not significant, then it means that the additional parameters of fit2 did not improve fit enough to result in a better model fit than that of fit1, which means that we should stick with the simpler model (fit1). What do the results above tell us?

The output also includes comparisons of the relative fit indices (AIC and BIC). Remember: lower values indicate better fit. Finally, the output also includes comparisons of other fit indices (e.g., CFI, RMSEA). These are sometimes also used to compare the fit of several models. However, there are no clear, universal guidelines on how different these indices need to be before they indicate an improvement/worsening in model fit.

3.8 How to specify different types of CFAs

Here is an example of how to specify a hierarchical CFA, where the three factors are indicator of a higher-order ability factor:

HSmodel3 <- "visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
            textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
            speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9

            ability =~ visual + textual + speed"

Here is an example of a CFA in which the factors are specified to be uncorrelated with each other:

HSmodel4 <- "visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
            textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
            speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9

            visual ~~ 0*textual
            visual ~~ 0*speed
            textual ~~ 0*speed"

Factor correlations can be fixed to 0 (i.e., removed from the CFA) using the following template:

factorname1 ~~ 0*factorname2

Here is an example of a CFA in which the factors are specified to be correlated but the correlations are constrained to be equal (i.e., their parameter estimate is going to be the exact same value):

HSmodel5 <- "visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
            textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
            speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9

            visual ~~ a*textual
            visual ~~ a*speed
            textual ~~ a* speed"

To constrain parameters to be equal, we can give them the same label (this is different from the factor name that we use to specify/name latent factors). The general format for these equality constraints is:

factorname1 ~~ label*factorname2

Or for constraining factor loadings to be equivalent:

factorname1 =~ label*x1 + label*x2 + label*x3

Your label can be any text string (e.g., a, b, eq), but remember to use different labels for different equality constraints. So, if you want to constrain your loadings and your factor correlations, use the label a for the loadings and b for the correlations.

3.9 Summary

In this R lab, you learned how to specify, estimate, evaluate and interpret CFAs. In addition, you learned how to re-specify a CFA and compare the fit across several models to select the best-fitting model. Finally, you were introduced to some examples of alternative CFA configurations, such as the higher-order CFA.