Talks (a selection of)

Only including those in which I was doing (part of) the talking.

Invited Talks/Workshops

Andorra, A. (Host), & Winter, S. D. (Guest). (2024, June). Prior Sensitivity Analysis, Overfitting & Model Selection [Audio podcast episode 109]. In Learning Bayesian Statistics.

Bonifay, W., Winter, S. D., & Skoblow, H. (2024, April). Comprehensive Statistical Model Evalu- ation: Traditional, Bayesian, and Information-theoretic Methods and User-friendly Software. Workshop presented at the National Council on Measurement and Education (NCME) Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Winter, S. D., Wagenmakers, E.J., & Vandekerckhove, J. (2023, December). Teaching Bayesian Methods in Psychology. Invited panel organized by the Section on Bayesian Education Research and Practice, International Society for Bayesian Analysis. A recording of this panel can be found here: Zoom Recording

Winter, S. D. (2022, March). Creating Dynamic Reports from your Shiny App. Invited talk presented at R-Ladies St. Louis. A recording of this webinar can be found here:

Winter, S. D. (2022, April). Assessing prior-data disagreement in Bayesian SEM. Invited webinar presented at Young Statisticians Europe (YSE). A recording of this webinar can be found here:

Conference Presentations

Winter, S. D. (2024, May). Evaluating Bayesian SEM Selection and Fit Indices in the Presence of Under- or over-Fitting. In H. Liu (chair) and S. Depaoli (discussant) Model Fit Assessment of Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling. Talk presented at the 36th APS Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Winter, S. D., Bonifay, W., Skoblow, H. & Watts, A. (2024, April). Evaluating Model Replication Efforts Through Prior Predictive Similarity Checking. Talk presented at the National Council on Measurement and Education (NCME) Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Winter, S. D. (2023, August). Goodness-of-fit and Theory Corroboration Through Informative Prior Specifications. In W. Bonifay (chair) High Risk, High Reward: Methods for Rigorous Testing of Psychological Theories. Talk presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Washington, DC.

Winter, S. D. & Bonifay, W. (2023, April). Prior Specification in Bayesian Estimation Affects a Model’s Fitting Propensity. Talk presented at the National Council on Measurement and Education (NCME) Conference, Chicago, Il.

Winter, S. D., Sinval, J., & Merkle, E. (2023, April). Comparing Priors for Estimating Sparse Ordinal Indicators in Bayesian Factor Analyses. Talk presented at the National Council on Measurement and Education (NCME) Conference, Chicago, Il.

McCall, C. & Winter, S. D. (2022, July). Using intersectional research methods to examine intervention efficacy. Roundtable Discussion presented at the Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA), Leuven, Belgium.

Winter, S. D. & Depaoli, S. (2021, July). Detecting Misspecification in Latent Growth Models with Bayesian Fit Indices. Talk presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS).

Winter, S. D. & Smid, S. (2019, May). Demonstration of an Online Educational Application on Bayesian Default Priors. In R. van de Schoot (chair) Risks of Default Priors in Bayesian Structural Equation Models with Small Samples and Two Approaches on How to Avoid Those Risks. Talk presented at the 31st APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

Winter, S. D. & Lek, K. M. (2018, July). Bayesian Approximate Measurement Invariance: For Those Times When You Have Too Little or Too Much Data. Talk presented at VIII European Congress of Methodology, Jena, Germany.

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