12  Latent Class Analysis

12.1 Loading R Packages

Load the required packages for this lab into your R environment.


12.2 Loading Data

Load the data into your environment. For this lab we will use a dataset based on N = 972 children whose caregivers completed a survey about their socio-emotional development. You can download the data by right-clicking this link and selecting “Save Link As…” in the drop-down menu: data/preschool.csv. Make sure to save it in the folder you are using for this class.

The full dataset and more information about this project can be found here: https://ldbase.org/datasets/38d4a723-c167-4908-a250-2cf29a4ff49b.

plbs <- read.csv("data/preschool.csv")

plbs <- plbs %>% mutate(across(everything(), ~if_else(.x == 1.5, 1, .x)),
                across(everything(), ~ factor(.x, 
                                              labels = c("Does not Apply", 
                                                         "Sometimes Applies", 
                                                         "Most Often Applies"),
                                              ordered = T

colnames(plbs) <- c("dontcare", "cooperates", "distracted", "willinghelp", "silly", "acceptnew")

We will focus on six items of the Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS). Here are the items:

  • Adopts a don’t care attitude to success and failure.
  • Cooperates in group activities.
  • Is distracted too easily by what is going on in the room, or seeks distractions.
  • Is willing to be helped.
  • Invents silly ways of doing things
  • Accepts new activities without fear or resistance

Caregivers could respond with one of three options: Does Not Apply, Sometimes Applies, Most Often Applies.

The tidySEM package has a function descriptives() that we can use to get some basic descriptive statistics for our items:

desc <- descriptives(plbs)
desc <- desc[, c("name", "n", "missing", "unique", "mode", "mode_value")]
         name   n missing unique mode         mode_value
1    dontcare 972       0      4  639     Does not Apply
2  cooperates 972       0      4  610 Most Often Applies
3  distracted 972       0      4  411  Sometimes Applies
4 willinghelp 972       0      4  624 Most Often Applies
5       silly 972       0      4  443     Does not Apply
6   acceptnew 972       0      4  492 Most Often Applies

We can also use ggplot() to visualize the distribution of item responses:

plbs_plot <- plbs
plbs_plot <- pivot_longer(plbs_plot, everything())

ggplot(plbs_plot, aes(x = value)) + 
  geom_histogram(stat="count") + 
  facet_wrap(~name) +

12.3 Estimate range of latent class solutions

We typically come into an LCA with some theory-based expectations for how many classes might exist in the population. In addition, our overall sample size might put some restrictions on how many classes can feasibly be estimated.

res <- mx_lca(data = plbs, classes = 1:6)
saveRDS(res, file = "data/LCA_results.RDS")

Instead of running the code below, you can download the results by right-clicking here and saving it into the data folder.

res <- readRDS("data/LCA_results.RDS")

12.4 Class Solution Comparison

fit <- table_fit(res)  # model fit table
fit[, c("Name", "LL", "Parameters", "n","AIC", "BIC", "saBIC", "Entropy", "prob_min",
    "prob_max", "n_min", "n_max", "np_ratio", "np_local")]
  Name        LL Parameters   n       AIC      BIC     saBIC   Entropy
1    1 -5197.036         12 972 10418.072 10476.62 10438.512 1.0000000
2    2 -4946.100         25 972  9942.199 10064.18  9984.783 0.6514148
3    3 -4906.229         38 972  9888.457 10073.87  9953.185 0.6825587
4    4 -4873.592         51 972  9849.184 10098.03  9936.056 0.6264103
5    5 -4856.184         64 972  9840.367 10152.65  9949.382 0.6686257
6    6 -4847.063         77 972  9848.126 10223.84  9979.284 0.7046337
   prob_min  prob_max      n_min     n_max np_ratio  np_local
1 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 81.00000 81.000000
2 0.8918582 0.9022232 0.49588477 0.5041152 38.88000 40.166667
3 0.6625695 0.9015618 0.08436214 0.5000000 25.57895  6.833333
4 0.6602120 0.8180830 0.04629630 0.3456790 19.05882  3.750000
5 0.7194970 0.8397305 0.04320988 0.3364198 15.18750  3.500000
6 0.5899152 0.8377095 0.02366255 0.3353909 12.62338  1.916667

What class solution is preferred according to the BIC?

We might want to explore additional class solutions, but we can see that, starting with four classes, there are < 5 observations per parameter in every class, which is quite low, especially given the total sample size. Estimating additional classes may cause the model to not be identified within classes. We can visualize the drop in BIC across class solutions using the plot() function:


The output above also gives us information about the entropy of the model. This value provides a summary of class separation. It actually represents \(1-entropyy\) but most people who use it for mixture models report it as simply entropy. If entropy is 0, there is no separations between classes, their response distributions overlap fully. If entropy is 1, all classes are fully separated, their response distributions are completely separated. So, higher values are preferred.

Lo-Mendell-Rubin Likelihood Ratio Test

We can also use the Lo-Mendell-Rubin Likelihood Ratio Test (LMR-LRT) to make pairwise comparisons across model solutions to test the Null hypothesis that two class solutions have equivalent fit (so a p-value < .05 indicates that one model fits better than the other).

Lo-Mendell-Rubin adjusted Likelihood Ratio Test:

 null  alt   lr df        p    w2     p_w2
 mix1 mix2 10.5 13 2.22e-16 0.588 2.22e-16
 mix2 mix3   NA NA       NA    NA       NA
 mix3 mix4   NA NA       NA    NA       NA
 mix4 mix5   NA NA       NA    NA       NA
 mix5 mix6   NA NA       NA    NA       NA

Bootstrapped Likelihood Ratio Test

An alternative to the LMR-LRT is the bootstrapped likelihood ratio test. This approach is very computationally expensive (i.e., slow), so we only ask for 10 bootstrapped samples here. For a publication you should use a much higher number (1000+). You can use packages such as the future package to use multiple CPUs and speed things up with parallel computing.

res_blrt <- BLRT(res, replications = 5)

12.5 Interpreting Final Model Results

Before interpreting final estimates, we reorder the latent classes so that they are arranged from largest to smallest:

res_final <- mx_switch_labels(res[[2]])

Classification Diagnostics

We can look at several indicators of classification accuracy and reliability. First, we can look at how many individuals are classified into each class based on their highest posterior probability:

class_prob(res_final, type = "sum.mostlikely") # assumes no classification error
   class count proportion
1 class1   490  0.5041152
2 class2   482  0.4958848

The estimates above assume that each participant is classified into the correct class (does not incorporate any uncertainty). We can also ask for estimates that do account for that uncertainty. If there is no classification error (i.e., every person is classified into 1 class with 100% certainty), the above table would be identical to the below table (which does account for error):

class_prob(res_final, type = "sum.posterior") # includes classification error
   class    count proportion
1 class1 497.3807  0.5117086
2 class2 474.6193  0.4882914
#class_prob(res_final, type = "individual") # classification probabilities for each individual

Are there any major differences between the two classification tables? What does that say about the severity of classification errors?

Next, we can use a cross-table to understand the certainty of our classifications better. Again, we can either ignore classification error, using the functions below:

class_prob(res_final, type = "mostlikely.class") # values on diagonal should be > .7
          assigned.1 assigned.2
avgprob.1 0.89185824  0.1081418
avgprob.2 0.09777682  0.9022232

Or we can include classification error, using the function below:

class_prob(res_final, type = "avg.mostlikely") # values on diagonal should be > .7
           meanprob.class1 meanprob.class2
assigned.1       0.9052924      0.09470764
assigned.2       0.1115926      0.88840737

For both tables, values on the diagonal represent classification certainty and should be close to 1.

For which of these classes is classification certainty lowest?

Parameter Estimates

Now that we’ve evaluated the classification diagnostics, we can interpret the parameter estimates, using the table_results() function. With ordinal indicators in LCA, the most relevant estimates are the thresholds. Finding differences in thresholds across classes indicates that persons in different classes switch from one response to the next at a different point along the latent response scale. The code below allows us to focus on those Thresholds:

table_results(res_final, columns = c("label", "est", "confint",
    "class")) %>% filter(stringr::str_detect(label, "Thresholds")) %>% 
  mutate(label = stringr::str_split_i(label, "\\.", 2)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = label, names_from = class, values_from = est:confint, names_vary = "slowest")
# A tibble: 12 × 5
   label           est_class1 confint_class1 est_class2 confint_class2
   <chr>           <chr>      <chr>          <chr>      <chr>         
 1 Thresholds[1,1] 1.04       [0.85, 1.24]   -0.12      [-0.26, 0.02] 
 2 Thresholds[1,2] -2.86      [-3.91, -1.80] -1.35      [-1.52, -1.18]
 3 Thresholds[1,3] 0.05       [-0.10, 0.20]  -1.24      [-1.45, -1.03]
 4 Thresholds[1,4] -2.26      [-2.60, -1.91] -1.70      [-1.91, -1.49]
 5 Thresholds[1,5] 0.00       [-0.12, 0.13]  -0.23      [-0.36, -0.11]
 6 Thresholds[1,6] -1.69      [-1.90, -1.47] -1.09      [-1.25, -0.94]
 7 Thresholds[2,1] 2.10       [1.69, 2.52]   1.07       [0.92, 1.23]  
 8 Thresholds[2,2] -1.62      [-2.02, -1.21] 0.55       [0.34, 0.75]  
 9 Thresholds[2,3] 1.58       [1.26, 1.91]   0.07       [-0.07, 0.21] 
10 Thresholds[2,4] -0.90      [-1.06, -0.74] 0.10       [-0.04, 0.24] 
11 Thresholds[2,5] 1.56       [1.34, 1.78]   0.96       [0.81, 1.11]  
12 Thresholds[2,6] -0.59      [-0.74, -0.43] 0.58       [0.42, 0.74]  

To make it easier to see if response patterns vary across classes, we can use the table_prob() function, which transforms the thresholds into response probabilities. These do not come with a confidence interval, so ideally you first examine the thresholds to note relevant differences across classes and then look at these probabilities to see what they really mean:

table_prob(res_final) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = group, 
              values_from = Probability)
# A tibble: 18 × 4
   Variable    Category  class1 class2
   <chr>          <int>   <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 dontcare           1 0.852   0.454 
 2 dontcare           2 0.131   0.405 
 3 dontcare           3 0.0178  0.141 
 4 cooperates         1 0.00213 0.0884
 5 cooperates         2 0.0507  0.619 
 6 cooperates         3 0.947   0.293 
 7 distracted         1 0.519   0.107 
 8 distracted         2 0.424   0.422 
 9 distracted         3 0.0569  0.471 
10 willinghelp        1 0.0120  0.0443
11 willinghelp        2 0.173   0.496 
12 willinghelp        3 0.815   0.460 
13 silly              1 0.502   0.408 
14 silly              2 0.439   0.423 
15 silly              3 0.0597  0.169 
16 acceptnew          1 0.0457  0.138 
17 acceptnew          2 0.233   0.581 
18 acceptnew          3 0.721   0.281 

The threshold results above indicate that all thresholds are significantly different across classes (this aligns with the very high entropy for this class solution). Focusing on the response probabilities, it appears that caregivers in class 1 are more likely to endorse positive learning behaviors (cooperates, wiling to accept help, accept new), whereas caregivers in class 2 are more likely to endorse negative learning behaviors (don’t care, distracted). The two classes’ responses are similar for the silly item.

Visualize the classes

Tables can provide a lot of detail, but it can be challenging to unnderstand the bigger picture. That’s why we like to visualize response patterns of the latent classes. The plot_prob() function includes all classes in one plot, using subplots. The theme() element was added to make the item labels more readable.

plot_prob(res_final) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, vjust = 0.5))

What label would you give each of these classes?

12.6 Predicting membership for new individuals

Finally, you can use the LCA results to predict most likely class membership of new cases, as long as you have their scores on the indicator items. Below, I define a new participant (using an existing case from the original sample so the variables are ordered factors) who has a somewhat inconsistent class (e.g., the distracted item Sometimes Applies):

plbs_new <- plbs[10,]
         dontcare         cooperates        distracted        willinghelp
10 Does not Apply Most Often Applies Sometimes Applies Most Often Applies
            silly         acceptnew
10 Does not Apply Sometimes Applies
predict(res_final, newdata = plbs_new)
Running mix2 with 0 parameters
        class1    class2 predicted
[1,] 0.8485255 0.1514745         1

12.7 Summary

In this R lab, you were introduced to the steps involved in specifying, estimating, evaluating, comparing and interpreting the results of latent class analyses. For now, this is the final lab for this class!